During the 2009-10 and 2010-11 school years, several schools in Michigan were identified as schools that "beat the odds." The schools were identified using information from two separate studies:
The first study looked at schools performing above their predicted levels based on risk factors
• Percent economically disadvantaged
• Percent students with disabilities
• Percent English language learners
• Percent minority
The second study looked at schools performing above a comparison group of the most
demographically similar schools in the state.
The information is being shared in case it might help the Mitchell School Improvement Team identify additional strategies for improving Mitchell.
Iris Becker Elementary School, Dearborn, Wayne RESA
Top to Bottom Percentile Ranking: 85
• Small city K-5/6 schools
• SFA around $8,350
• Enrollment around 425
• Minority at 15%
• ED around 84%
• SWD around 8%
• LEP around 53%
Identified Success Factors
• Extremely high ELL population; majority of teachers have ESL endorsements
• Literacy coaches and extensive special education and resource instructors.
• Very highly qualified and engaged teachers.
• Extended day program; partnership with U of M Dearborn; multiple instructional programs to meet the needs of students.
• Heavy parental involvement; school provides computer literacy classes to parents who need them; supportive PTA who helps parents understand how to be involved
• “Effective and inspirational leadership”
North Godwin Elementary School, Kent ISD
Top to Bottom Percentile Rankings: 79
•K-5/6 schools in small cities
•Enrollment around 425
•SFA around $7,550
•Minority around 68%
•ED around 80%
•SWD around 14%
•LEP around 24%
Identified Success Factors
• “Amazing collaborative culture;” constant communication between classroom and specialized teachers; PLC
• Community school; full-time community coordinator to help with attendance and organize parent involvement.
• Analyze data “continuously”
• Sense of community in the school where the staff focus on the student AND their whole family.
• “They do whatever it takes to make students successful” (district quote).
• Strong, caring staff; very collaborative with each other; innovative and willing to try new things.
• Exhibit the essence of research practitioners (ISD quote)
North Godwin Elementary School, Kent ISD
Reading: 95% proficient on MEAP
Math: 97% proficient on MEAP
• K-5/6 schools in small cities
• SFA around $7,600
• Enrollment around 425
• Minority around 66%
• ED around 82%
• SWD around 14%
• LEP around 20%
Identified Success Factors
•Instruction is modified based on state and local data.
•Focus on literacy and the common core state standards.
•Collaboration with other schools and ISD for school improvement.
•“Failure is not an option.”
•High population of English language learners (ELLs), exceptional collaboration of general education and ELL teachers.
•Set goals for individual students and get data on student performance. Data are shared with students and used daily!
•Strong ELL program & a “Parents as Teachers”program to help their bilingual parents.
•Instructional specialists and literacy coaches available to work with teachers regularly.
•Response to Intervention (RTI) progress with support from Kent ISD.