Tuesday, November 27, 2012

SIT Agenda - December 14, 2012

Sign in

Is someone willing to take notes?

Review strand 4 of Education Yes!

Strand 4 Breakdown
Parent/Family Involvement
- Communication
- Engagement

Main goal for today:  Discuss and collect input around parent/family involvement
What we heard/value from the last meeting - 
- Parent education
- Higher achievement for all
- Focus goals - Literacy (reading and writing) and School Culture

What can we do that is descriptive of what's above?

Next meetings:
- Looks like everyone can meet on Friday mornings beginning in January, so we'll shoot for that as our meeting day.  Here the proposed meeting days for the year:
December 14
January 11
February 8
March 15
April 12
May 10
June 7

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Final Meeting Agenda - 11/16/12 / Agenda de la Reunión Final - 11/16/12

Mitchell School Improvement Team Agenda
November 16, 2012

1.  The purpose of the Mitchell SIT team
 - Support the requirements of Education Yes!; 
 - Facilitate the improvement of Mitchell School through the analysis of data; 
 - Implement strategies to support Education Yes! strand 4 (parent and community involvement)
 - Fulfill the requirements of Public Act 25 of 1990.

2.  Our School Improvement Plan:  Handouts – English / Español

3.  Education Yes! / School Improvement Team Focus:  Handouts

4.  Goal for year: Develop and implement 1-2 parent/community involvement activities

Mitchell Equipo de Mejoramiento Escolar Agenda
16 de noviembre 2012

1. El propósito del equipo de Mitchell SIT
  - Apoyar a los requisitos de la Educación Sí;!
  - Facilitar la mejora de la escuela Mitchell a través del análisis de los datos;
  - Poner en práctica estrategias para apoyar la educación ¡Sí! hilo 4 (participación de los padres y la comunidad)
  - Cumplir con los requisitos de la Ley de 25 de 1990.

2. Nuestro Plan de Mejoramiento Escolar: Folletos - Inglés / Español

3. Educación Sí! / Equipo de Mejoramiento Escolar Focus: Folletos

4. Objetivo para el año: Desarrollar e implementar 1-2 de padres / comunidad las actividades de participación
Parent/Community Involvement Activity Brainstorming

Weekly Wagon Walk of Books
- Reading materials for kids and adults shared
- Walk through neighborhoods as a lending library

Family Book Club involvement - from Jenni Zimmer

Post cards - exchange post cards throughout the summer about the books that have been read

Organize school library - as a community lending library / community center that would be open later in the day

Dialogue journals - where book notes had been written; others respond

Parent English classes - as have been done in the past at Mitchell
- English skills
- model how to read with kids
- T/Th

Think Stretch program - workbook program to reduce summer slide

Connect with Charo from Palma?

Seven Weeks of Winter (SWOW) - Lunch hour classes taught by parents

Parent meeting to talk about the report card in both Spanish and English

Spanish language classes for English speaking families

Poetry cafe to showcase writing work being done

Celebrations for parents (e.g. poetry slam) that involve and informally teach parents in safe ways at school

Show parents what secure third grade writing looks like

Find parents who will help with science fair

Connect science fair to reading/writing goals

Involve UM interns in science fair activities - maybe as a part of extended day

Participación Padre / lluvia de ideas
Walk Wagon semanal de libros
- Los materiales de lectura para niños y adultos comparten
- Caminar por los barrios como una biblioteca

Libro Family Club participación - de Jenni Zimmer

Postales - Tarjetas postales de cambio durante todo el verano sobre los libros que se han leído

Organizar biblioteca de la escuela - como préstamos comunitarios biblioteca / centro comunitario que estaría abierto al final del día

Revistas diálogo - donde las notas de libros se han escrito, otros responden

Clases de inglés para padres - como han hecho en el pasado en Mitchell
- Conocimientos de inglés
- Modelo de leer con los niños
- T / Th

Piense programa Stretch - programa para reducir el deslizamiento libro verano

Conéctate con Charo de Palma?

Siete semanas de invierno (SWOW) - Clases Almuerzo horas impartidas por los padres

Reunión de padres para hablar sobre el reporte en español y en Inglés

Clases de español para las familias que hablan inglés

Café Poesía para mostrar la escritura labor que se realiza

Festejos por los padres (por ejemplo, la poesía slam) que involucran de manera informal y enseñar a los padres de manera segura en la escuela

Mostrar a los padres lo aseguran por escrito de tercer grado se parece

Encuentra los padres que ayuden con la feria de ciencias

Conecte feria de ciencias para leer / escribir las metas

Involucrar a los internos en las actividades de la UM feria de ciencias - tal vez como parte de día extendido

Friday, November 9, 2012

Mitchell School Improvement Team Meeting Agenda - 11/16/2012

Hello Mitchell SIT'ers, 

It is time to meet, greet, and continue our work around the Mitchell School Improvement Plan (SIP) for 2012-13.

Our first meeting is scheduled for November 16 @ 7:30 AM in the Mitchell Media Center.  

BEFORE we meet, please re-familiarize yourself with:

1.  The purpose of the Mitchell SIT team
 - Support the requirements of Education Yes!; 
 - Facilitate the improvement of Mitchell School through the analysis of data; 
 - Implement strategies to support Education Yes! strand 4 (parent and community involvement)
 - Fulfill the requirements of Public Act 25 of 1990.

2.  Our School Improvement Plan:  CLICK HERE

3.  I am also hoping you will review some of the parent involvement strategies we brainstormed last year:  CLICK HERE

DURING the meeting, we will:
- Briefly review the purpose of the team, the School Improvement Plan, and the work from last year
- Begin thinking about this year and where we hope to go

See you soon!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Agenda 6/6/2012: Breakfast and School Improvement Plan

Dear Mitchell SIT Team,

The current draft of the Mitchell School Improvement Plan is due
today . . . and I have submitted it for review by our superintendent,
Dr. Green and subsequently by the Michigan Department of Education.
Even if you feel you haven't contributed significantly, we have
traveled the beginning of the school improvement road together in
developing this plan . . . so thank you for you help and input. All
of your contributions have been helpful.

I've also created an "at a glance" document that easily identifies
what the plan says. It is attached so you know what has been submitted
(but not yet what has been approved).

Looking forward to celebrating our hard work together at breakfast on 6/6/12 at Achilles.  At that time we can review the plan.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mitchell SIT Minutes - 5/9/12

SIT Team 5/9/12

School Improvement Plan

Staff Feedback-We are on track for meeting these goals, many teachers are already doing these things, there is a need for support to get all teachers in the same place

åEnglish and Academics Academy is happening this year.
- Incoming grades 3-8
- Based on science—integrates technology-using BioKids to assess biodiversity of natural areas.
- Social studies perspectives of community and diversity in natural areas as well as in schools and neighborhoods 
-Technology—Ipods, Brandon center at UM for presentation
-Agency curriculum-clarifying, explaining, questioning,
åNeed to include staff collaboration in response to feedback at last week’s staff meeting

Question: What are we doing for kids who are at grade level and above?
- By helping struggling learners we are also helping other learners as a result of differentiated instruction and best teaching practices.
- We are explicit about what we do for struggling learners but not explicit about what we do for the high achieving students in the building—creates misconceptions for parents
-Special programming is based on struggling learners while other kids would enjoy the same activities—Academics Academy, Science Olympiad...traditionally this kind of programming falls to PTO and is not built into the daily academic program.

Question: Can we post NWEA scores to show improvement at Mitchell? (As a way to let parents know of the achievement here?—positive PR) The perception in the community is that Mitchell is a terrible school with low levels of achievement. 

-The current data shows growth at Mitchell and Scarlet that is greater than other area schools. 
-UM is also working on perception through the partnership.
-Rigorous work with struggling learners creates images of the possible
-Need to get this kind of information out to the public

åSchool Culture/Agency
-Responsive Classroom
-Fall plan for the development of school rules—staff to meet this summer

Question: What will the focus of the work that the SIT team will do next year?
-School Culture—design rubrics, build community, including parents in RC. Then choose specific activities to support and explicitly schedule into the year.

Cathy followed up after last meeting with connection for Spanish classes as a part of PTO meeting—(A2LP?) 

Conversation around reputation and perception—community and staff are looking at the school in different way.  Historically Mitchell has had its challenges—today it is very different but the reputation is still there—race, real estate, achievement all a part of this perception. 

Thought: This perception comes from our own families.  Maybe we need to worry less about everyone else and begin our work within our own community.   

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

SIT Agenda - 5/9/2012

See y'all at 7:30 AM!  And thank you for your commitment to our school improvement plan.
We will continue our discussion from the last SIT meeting where our meeting was to begin (or continue) to brainstorm activities that will best address our goals for 2012-13 . . . with a thought on "parent and community involvement." 

Last time we began talking in the direction of how to involve the community with Responsive Classroom.  I bought a copy of the new RC book entitled "Parents & Teachers Working Together."

Is there anyone who would take notes during the meeting, please?  I'm wanting to capture more than I've been able to doing it on my own.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

MIT Mintues - 4/25/12

Discussion focused on RC goal

Connect to agency
Use of TIII summer school developed curricula as an activity

We want students to become autonomous, self-directed learners

Having a rubric for parents would be helpful as we think about how to engage families around RC

Invite parents to professional development

Parent professional development

Giving language examples would be powerful
I noticed . . .
I saw you . . .
Put the scissors in the drawer now. You are doing something unsafe.

Video examples

Invite parents to morning meeting

Curriculum night sharing???
-       introduce RC
-       NAAPID – come
-       RC passport – look for the features of RC
-       Morning meeting during Kevin’s presentation

The social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum

RC is different so we have to take parents into account in how we present it

Monday, April 23, 2012

SIT Agenda - 4/25/2012

Conference Room
7:30 AM

We will continue our discussion from the last SIT meeting where our meeting was to begin (or continue) to brainstorm activities that will best address our goals for 2012-13 . . . with a thought on "parent and community involvement." 

We brainstormed some ideas at the last meeting:  CLICK HERE

And, for your reference, the draft SIP goals are:
In an effort to keep focus on where we're going, I'm sharing and in some cases resharing our direction for the School Improvement Plan goals.  Please read this over, ask questions, give feedback, and/or let me/us know what you think.

Reading*:  By the end of the 2012-13 academic year, the percentage of Mitchell students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 69% to 79% based on year-end reported reading levels.  (data would still be updated based on end of year reading level data)

Writing*: The percentage of Mitchell student scoring proficient or advanced on the MEAP writing test will increase from 35% to 40% based on the fall 2012 MEAP writing test.  
INSTEAD OF previous language in order to de-emphasize "end of year" language:
By the end of the 2012-13 academic year, the percentage of Mitchell students proficiently or advanced on the MEAP test will increase from 35% to 40% based on the MEAP test.

Self-control*:  All Mitchell students will show self-control based on the report card rubrics for self-control at each grade level.
This is placeholder goal for now.  It is the result of some discussion of a goal connected to RC.  It is my hope to continue the development of this discussion and goal with BMT and the SIT . . . of course with input from staff.

Math:  By the end of the 2012-13 academic year, the percentage of students secure on math outcomes related to algebra will increase from 52% to 60%.

Science:  The percentage of Mitchell student scoring proficient or advanced on the MEAP science test will increase from 35% to 40% based on the fall 2012 MEAP writing test. 
INSTEAD OF previous language in order to de-emphasize "end of year" language:
By the end of the 2012-13 academic year, the percentage of Mitchell students proficient or advanced on the MEAP science test will increase from 12% to 22% based on the MEAP test.

Social Studies:  The percentage of Mitchell students proficiently or advanced on the MEAP test will increase from 17% to 27% based on the fall 2012 MEAP test.

* Focus Area Goal

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mitchell SIT: Parent/Community Involvement Activity Brainstorming

Thank you for your time this morning at today's Mitchell SIT meeting.
My notes of what we brainstormed are shown here:
Would it be OK to continue our discussions on 4/25 @ 7:30? I'll send
a Google invite.
Parting thought: Our goal is to identify the greatest point(s) of
leverage in helping our community support our SIT goals. We should do
this first in connection to our focus goals.

Parent/Community Involvement Activity Brainstorming

Weekly Wagon Walk of Books
- Reading materials for kids and adults shared
- Walk through neighborhoods as a lending library

Family Book Club involvement - from Jenni Zimmer

Post cards - exchange post cards throughout the summer about the books that have been read

Organize school library - as a community lending library / community center that would be open later in the day

Dialogue journals - where book notes had been written; others respond

Parent English classes - as have been done in the past at Mitchell
- English skills
- model how to read with kids
- T/Th

Think Stretch program - workbook program to reduce summer slide

Connect with Charo from Palma?

Seven Weeks of Winter (SWOW) - Lunch hour classes taught by parents

Parent meeting to talk about the report card in both Spanish and English

Spanish language classes for English speaking families

Poetry cafe to showcase writing work being done

Celebrations for parents (e.g. poetry slam) that involve and informally teach parents in safe ways at school

Show parents what secure third grade writing looks like

Find parents who will help with science fair

Connect science fair to reading/writing goals

Involve UM interns in science fair activities - maybe as a part of extended day

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Considerations for activity selection

Activities can be:
  • Instructional
  • Organizational 
  • Leadership
  • Programmatic 
Activities are most powerful when linked directly to the most urgent needs of students.

Source:  The Leadership and Learning Center

Effective Schools - 35 Years of Research

  1. Guaranteed and viable curriculum
  2. Challenging goals and effective feedback
  3. Parent and community involvement
  4. Safe and orderly environment
  5. Collegiality and professionalism
Source:  Robert Marzano, What Works in Schools:  Translating Research Into Action

Monday, April 9, 2012

SIT Meeting 4/11 - Wednesday @ 7:30 :-)

Looking forward to seeing you this Wednesday morning for our scheduled School Improvement Team meeting at 7:30 AM.  I'll bring the coffee!

The focus of our meeting will be to begin (or continue) to brainstorm activities that will best address our goals for 2012-13 . . . with a thought on "parent and community involvement."  If you have thoughts you'd like to share ahead of time, please CLICK HERE.

As a reminder, the goals for next year show below:

Focus Goals:
By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of Mitchell students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 69% to 79% based on year-end reported reading levels.

By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of Mitchell students proficiently or advanced on the MEAP test will increase from 17% to 27% based on the MEAP test.

The actual wording for the 2012-13 goals above will be updated to include 2012-13 data, but the essence of the goal will remain the same.

Other goals:
By the end of the 2012-13 academic year, the percentage of students secure on math outcomes related to algebra will increase from 52% to 60%.

By the end of the 2012-13 academic year, the percentage of Mitchell students proficient or advanced on the MEAP science test will increase from 12% to 22% based on the MEAP test.

Social Studies
The percentage of Mitchell students proficiently or advanced on the MEAP test will increase from 17% to 27% based on the fall 2012 MEAP test.

Monday, March 5, 2012

SIT Meeting Cancelled

Dear Mitchell SIT Team, 

I am canceling the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 7.

Since the Education Yes! report was submitted just last Friday, it is now time to begin focusing more on the SIT Plan revisions for the 2012-13 school year. You'll remember that the Mitchell staff has made a recommendation for reading and writing goals (shown below).  It is my hope that when we meet again on April 11 @ 7:30 AM I will bring you updated language on the goals below as well as language for math, science, and social studies goals (which are requirements for Mitchell as a Title 1 school).

Of course if you have questions, please let us know.


By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of Mitchell students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 69% to 79% based on year-end reported reading levels.

K: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of kindergarten students reading at instructional target reading levels will be 80% based on year end reported reading levels.

1st: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of first grade students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 74% to 84% based on year end reported reading levels.

2nd: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of second grade students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 82% to 92% based on year end reported reading levels.

3rd: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of third grade students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 45% to 55% based on year end reported reading levels.

4th: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of fourth grade students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 62% to 72% based on year end reported reading levels.

5th: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of fifth grade students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 78% to 88% based on year end reported reading levels. 

By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of Mitchell students proficiently or advanced on the MEAP test will increase from 17% to 27% based on the MEAP test.

Mary D. Mitchell School 2011 - 2012 SPR (90) Report Submittal Notification

Education . . . Yes!!! The report has been turned in!

Begin forwarded message:

This notice is to advise you that the 2011 - 2012 SPR (90) report for Mary D. Mitchell School was submitted on 03/02/2012.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

DRAFT Education Yes report

Good evening Mitchell SIT and Staff,

Attached is the DRAFT 2012 Education Yes! report for Mitchell School.
The report indicates much of what has happened and is happening at
Mitchell are elements of effective school structures. There are also
areas where improvement should occur. These are areas we will begin
to discuss and address as the School Improvement Plan is revised for
the 2012-13 school year.

I invite you to look over the DRAF of the report and give additional
input by Friday, March 3. After collecting any additional input, I
will make needed revisions and submit the report to the superintendent
for review. Of course, if you have questions, please don't hesitate
to ask.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mitchell SIT Agenda - 2/16/2012

We'll take this time to generate input around Strand 4 of Education Yes!

Kevin plans to input the ideas generated into the Education Yes! website as we work.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mitchell SIT Agenda 2/8/2012

Conference Room
7:30 AM

School improvement is not a mystery. Incremental, even dramatic improvement is not only possible but probable under the right conditions.

Mike Schmoker, Results

School Improvement Goals Recommendations (from the Mitchell Staff):

Given the current achievement at Mitchell School, the staff recommends a focus on reading and writing as the prioritized areas for improvement.

By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of Mitchell students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 69% to 79% based on year-end reported reading levels.

K: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of kindergarten students reading at instructional target reading levels will be 80% based on year end reported reading levels.

1st: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of first grade students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 74% to 84% based on year end reported reading levels.

2nd: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of second grade students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 82% to 92% based on year end reported reading levels.

3rd: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of third grade students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 45% to 55% based on year end reported reading levels.

4th: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of fourth grade students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 62% to 72% based on year end reported reading levels.

5th: By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of fifth grade students reading at instructional target reading levels will increase from 78% to 88% based on year end reported reading levels.

By the end of the 2011-12 academic year, the percentage of Mitchell students proficiently or advanced on the MEAP test will increase from 17% to 27% based on the MEAP test.

Education Yes!
- Demonstration
- Input, Strand 4
- Non-English speaking families

Think Stretch Summer Program