Thursday, February 13, 2014

Family Literacy Night Proposal

Date:  May 7, 2014
Time:  6:15 - 8:00 PM


6:15 - Mingle, snacks, drinks

6:30 - Morning Meeting – Greeting at least

- Explain Night – IRAs, Ideas on how to support literacy with every day activities at home, connect to R, W, S, L, V, R

- Video - lots of clips, quickly presented of R, W, S, L, V, R in school and at home

6:55 - IRA #1  - families choose where to go....small group, teachers present IRAs that were planned during 4/30 staff meeting; during this time teachers should mention ideas on what to do at home, one Spanish speaking IRA at least

7:20 - 7:30 - Passing time - snack, bathroom

7:30 - IRA #2 - families choose where to go....small group, teachers present IRAs that were planned during 4/30 staff meeting; during this time teachers should mention ideas on what to do at home; one Spanish speaking IRA at least

6:55 - 7:55 - families also choose to visit a variety of "stations" - ELL, Specials?, Supports? - at each of these stations teachers either connect to an IRA or with literacy in their content area generally
 - Stations:  In the car ideas, Think Stretch station, families come to the Vendor section to pick up book (with reinforcing information about what to do with the book at home)

7:55 - Thanks for coming announcement from Kevin

Next steps
- Share this plan with SIT and ask for input
- Share with staff and ask for input
- Choose books
- Buy books
- Begin to share info about this in March during reading month
- Promotion Plan - make phone calls, eNotes, incentive for kids to get family to come (book)