Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mitchell School Improvement Input for 2014-15

Hello Mitchell Staff, School Improvement Team, Parents, and Community Members,

Not too long ago, I asked you for some input about the next version of the Mitchell School Improvement Plan....for the 2014-15 school.

The feedback I've received so far indicates we continue to be in agreement with the goals we've established around reading, writing, school culture, math, science and social studies. To be clear, everyone feels like we should continue with those overall goals. I agree with that direction as well.

In terms of potential changes, the input shares we should look at the wording of goals in the following ways:
- change wording about curricula references to reflect shift from Common Core State Standards as opposed to Grade Level Content Expectations
- change working about assessments to reflect shift from MEAP test to Smarter Balanced tests
- consider adding in summer correspondence reading activities for kids who cannot attend Bridge
- consider being more specific about implementing reading assessments - when to use fiction, when to use non-fiction, when to use Fountas and Pinnell benchmarks, when to use AAPS Benchmarks
- consider updating our Mitchell Family Literacy activities (M-FLI) to connect what we've learned this year and what we want to happen next year

If you have additional input you'd like to have considered as we begin to rewrite our plan, please use the link below to give that input by Friday, April 4. Thanks you.

If you need a reminder about what is in our school improvement plan, you'll find that by using the link below as well.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. Thank you.
