Thursday, December 1, 2016

Mitchell SIT Agneda - 12/6 @ 7:30 AM

Mitchell-Scarlett Community Room
December 6, 2016
7:30 - 8:30 AM

We are excited to be meeting with the Mitchell School Improvement Team today to get some important input and feedback related to the development of the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) at Mitchell.

Meeting topic: PYP assessment policy
  1. Morning message - and coffee talk (10 mins)
    • Be ready to introduce yourself and share something you know - or believe - about school report cards.
  2. Greeting (5 mins)
  3. Sharing (5 mins)
  4. Activity (25 mins)
  6. Discussion and reflection (10 mins)
Get ready for the most interesting Mitchell School Improvement Meeting you've ever attended.

Note: The format of today's meeting is connected to the Responsive Classrooom morning meeting practice shared and discussed at the last Mitchell principal coffee:

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Minutes - SIT Meeting, 11.1.16

November 1, 2016  -  SIT Notes
IB: I Know and Questions
-How do I communicate the great learning we are doing through our report card
-Is there a visual way to communicate information through the report card
-Inquiry through art, how do teachers find resources to support curriculum
-IB changed our practice, how do we connect our units to our community
-Inquiry model, report card – how does my child get there – the process rather than the product, how does my child develop globally minded
-How will our work impact achievement
-Raises expectations for kids and finding that kids can do it, when will I have my 5 minute elevator speech ready
-More opportunities for language development, what is the balance of direct instruction inside project based/inquiry learning, how can we be documenting/representing what we are doing here to support other schools
-Experienced IB as a high school student – prepared me for college and thinking skills

Proposal for the group:
-Focus on development of family engagement activities
-Support development of literacy practices (teachers)
This was discussed and supported as foci for school imporvement

Family Engagement – Things We Already Do
-EMU Parent Writing Project Night (MH)
-ESL Classes at Mitchell with Washtenaw Literacy (JB)
-MFLI Book Give-Away connected to CLN (JB)
-How could we connect culture to reading – Reading night through a culture dinner/cultural and parents can interact through that event. The cultural event could be the draw (KL)
-End of unit culminating event (MS) Promote these on the calendar
-Kindergarten Beyond Bedtime Stories, students and families (LT)
-Partnership proposal for community center room – thinking of the notion of globalness, Spanish classes 4 sessions for K-2 parents in October, 3-5 parents in November
           -Deliberate opportunities to help families get to know each other
           -Invited Spanish speaking families to serve as the experts/resource
           -Food is important, it’s a draw
-Cooking classes or parents provide/teach a class, people like to show their stuff (LT)
Is this the way to go? Why? And what’s the process?
-Ideas would be vetted and we’d choose which to focus on. Which ones will help us to leverage achievement?
-Two parts: Connections to school improvement and parents access to the community center to teach a class/etc. (LT)
-A form we could use so parents can propose a class? (SG)
-Use the community we’ve already established through the Spanish/English classes, informal approach to talk about/use the community center (KL)
-Crucial piece is deciding who will be the core organizer of the community center and developing the room, develop a curriculum for family engagement (CR)
-Small group that would like to meet and talk about this room and the process for how we use this space/do this work (KK)
-Tree house analogy, parent liaison (CR)

Next steps:
Develop family liaison job description
Develop process for moving forward with "activity" for family engagement
December SIT Meeting Focus
- Updates on family liaison, job description and process for how we do the work
-  PYP Assessment Policy - read it and give feedback

Monday, October 31, 2016

School Improvement Team Agenda - November 1, 2016

Mitchell-Scarlett Community Center
November 1, 2016
7:30 AM

Note: If you have time before the next meeting, please over ideas we've previously generated for the Mitchell-Scarlett Community Center.

Introductions - During this time, please be prepared to share something you know about IB at Mitchell and one question you have about IB at Mitchell.

Proposal for focus of Mitchell SIT for 2016-17
1. Development of family engagement activities
2. Support development of teaching and achievement practices listed in the school improvement plan

Dates for Mitchell SIT 2016-17
November 1
December 6
January 10
January 31
March 7
April 13
May 3
June 6

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Thank you and your input please

Dear Mitchell School Improvement Team,

It was a pleasure to meet with all of you today.  We are a new team!  Thank you for your interest and commitment as we continue to shape the learning environment at Mitchell.

Two things to share:
1. I have sent invitations for the proposed dates and times of upcoming school improvement team meetings. They are all on a weekday at 7:30 AM which seemed to be an OK way to proceed for our group.  If you did not get email invitations, please let me know and I will try again.

2.  At the meeting today, we decided to collect input from our group to understand the areas of interest and possible areas of focus.  Please CLICK HERE for a recap of today's meeting and to give your input.

Once we have received the input (by the end of the week I hope), we will be in touch again to share.

If you have questions, I would like to help.

Thank you.

Follow up to 10/5 SIT meeting

Dear Mitchell School Improvement Team,

Thank you for all of the questions, input and questions today at our first meeting of the year!  I am excited about the energy and possibilities we have in front of us.

My recap of today's meeting shows below.  It may be that I missed something. If this is the case, your reminder/input can be received using the link below :-).

We left the meeting with the direction of giving input about possible focus areas for SIT (including several ideas that came up at the first meeting):
- Details about Education Yes! to better understand the tool and possible areas of focus.
- Grammar and the teaching of Standard English
- Understanding the current data of the school
- Understanding the way teaching and learning is approached at Mitchell (and how the IB Primary Years Programme will change that)
- Developing the use of the Mitchell-Scarlett Community Center in connection family needs

We also talked about having time at SIT meetings to report out and/or share ideas. 

We surfaced a possible idea of having subcommittees form to work on a specific issue. Relative to subcommittee, having the SIT work with PTO representatives to looking at pick up and drop off procedures was brought up.  Given the input from SIT and PTO parents at this time, we will form a subcommittee to look at this and give input.  If you are interested, please let Kevin or Mrs. Liddell know....or put it in the Google Doc link below.

I'd like your input and thoughts.  Would you please CLICK HERE to share?

Kevin and Matt will use this input to shape and propose our next SIT agenda and the direction for the year.

Thank you.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Mitchell School Improvement Team Meeting

Mitchell-Scarlett Community Center
October 5, 2016
7:30 AM

For our first meeting of the year, I am hoping each member will read the following before coming to the meeting:
A. The purpose of the Mitchell SIT team is to:
     - Support the requirements of Education Yes!;
     - Facilitate the improvement of Mitchell School through the analysis of data;
     - Implement strategies to support Education Yes! strand 4;
     - Fulfill the requirements of Public Act 25 of 1990.
     - Come to the meeting with one question you have bout the purpose of the SIT
B. Look over the current draft of the Mitchell School Improvement Plan (SIP)
     - Before coming to the meeting, please share 2-3 things you notice about the SIP on THIS document
C. Look over ideas we've previously generated for the Mitchell-Scarlett Community Center

At the meeting, we will:
1. Introduce ourselves
2. Answer at least three of the questions from A above (maybe more if it makes sense)
3. Spend at least 10 minutes sharing what was noticed in the current draft of the SIP
4. Dialogue about the community center proposal, share the current work, and discuss

I'm also open to suggestions in revising / tailoring the agenda if you have suggestions.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Mitchell SIT on Tuesday, 5/17 @ 7:30 AM


We are meeting on Tuesday morning...7:30 AM.   Can't wait to see you.

We will focus on the draft partnership proposal around the family resource room.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Mitchell SIT Agenda - April 19, 7:30

Hope to see you in the morning

Family Resource Room Update
- Naming categories of activities we want to occur in the FRR
- Potential Partnership Proposal

Mitchell Expansion Update
Mitchell School Improvement Plan for 2016-17 - Sharing where we are now

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mitchell Expansion - Further Input from Mitchell SIT

Hello Kevin (and Merri Lynn for #2 below),

Please consider the following input from the Mitchell School Improvement team regarding the Mitchell Family Resource Room design.

1.  Please make the hallway windows with the ability to open them and create free flowing space in and out the space from the interior hallway.  We would hope that those windows/door walls (whatever we call them).

2. The team sees the premium of the wall space in the room and believes putting a large LCD on the new wall does not fit the needs of the space.  We are wondering about a solution here that could be mobile/movable as a way to value the use of the space as flexible.  Maybe there is a solution that has a white board on one side and the giant LCD on the other?

3. I'd like to talk with you about the new wall and the possibility of extending it as a way to make the semi private space a bit more private?  Or maybe add in a movable/folding wall.

Thank you.

Mitchell School Improvement Agenda - 3/15/16

We'll meet for a school improvement team meeting on Tuesday, March 15 at 7:30 in the conference room.

-EdYES Report
-Mid-Year Data Update
-Building Expansion Plans

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Mitchell School Improvement Team Agenda - 2/23/16

Looking forward to seeing all of you for an important Mitchell School Improvement Team meeting.

During this meeting, we'll work to accomplish the following:
1. Continue to update and define our wishes for the Mitchell Expansion Phase 1 project.  Our previous input is listed HERE.

2. Update about IB developments (if needed, depending on who is able to attend this month's meeting)

3. School Improvement Plan - Updating language
- We've been away from this work for a bit of time now but it seems- Review and discuss proposed revised language, additions, deletions connected to the school improvement plan
- Goal is to arrive at an accurate and updated plan with input of group
- HERE is the state of our current work

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Mitchell Phase 1 Input Update

Thank you to Jackie, Melissa, Erica, Wendy, Cathy R., Kelly and Matt for meeting this morning to give input about the Mitchell Phase 1 construction.  It was good to have teacher, community and parent perspectives represented at this meeting.

So you know/remember, phase 1 addresses six new classroom spaces, the family resource room, the updated book room and the Title 1 K-2 space needs. 

The input received from the group includes the following:

New classroom wing needs:
- Classrooms must have sinks
- Six toilets in the wing are sufficient for the six classrooms (average of one per room)
- Because Mitchell School has summer programming for ~70 students we should consider air conditioning in the new classrooms; if AC is not possible, look at possibility of ceiling fans

Family resource needs:
- Make this space visible and attractive for parents - windows in hallway would make sense so families would see it as their "place"
- Projector and white board - possibly use existing but relocate?
- Conference table for 6-8 people
- Shelving for storage of family education activities/kits (update existing?)
- Sink
- Counter space
- Cupboard
- Large size coffee maker
- Small refrigerator
- Family bathroom
- Nursing station
- Space for four desktop computers (computers slated for purchase from 2015-16 Mitchell Title 1 budget)
- Area for couch, chairs, coffee table, rug
- Copier/fax machine (discuss possible PTO purchase)
- Additional input on 2/23:
- include an oven
- Warm colors as a part of the room
- Spaces to put "stuff"? - Coat trees, hooks?

Title 1 space needs:
- Size should be similar to current sized space
- Need room for storage of Title 1 materials
- During meeting with architects, noted that if family resource room needs all of space in Krigbaum's current room, it may make sense to subdivide Padgen's room instead...the architects were going to look at this carefully.

If you have concerns about this general direction or want to give additional input, please let Kevin know.  Thank you.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Mitchell SIT Cancelled for 1/19/16

Dear Mitchell SIT,

Tomorrow's Mitchell SIT meeting is cancelled.  I'm sorry for the late notice. Our next meeting will Tuesday, February 23 at 7:30 AM.

Between now and then, our goals for the year continue to be:
- Arrive at an accurate and updated plan while thinking through potential changes that are a part of our IB implementation.

As we move into the second half of the year, I also anticipate sharing the first draft IB policies as they are completed for further input.

I can definitely take questions when you've got them.

Thank you.