Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Mitchell Phase 1 Input Update

Thank you to Jackie, Melissa, Erica, Wendy, Cathy R., Kelly and Matt for meeting this morning to give input about the Mitchell Phase 1 construction.  It was good to have teacher, community and parent perspectives represented at this meeting.

So you know/remember, phase 1 addresses six new classroom spaces, the family resource room, the updated book room and the Title 1 K-2 space needs. 

The input received from the group includes the following:

New classroom wing needs:
- Classrooms must have sinks
- Six toilets in the wing are sufficient for the six classrooms (average of one per room)
- Because Mitchell School has summer programming for ~70 students we should consider air conditioning in the new classrooms; if AC is not possible, look at possibility of ceiling fans

Family resource needs:
- Make this space visible and attractive for parents - windows in hallway would make sense so families would see it as their "place"
- Projector and white board - possibly use existing but relocate?
- Conference table for 6-8 people
- Shelving for storage of family education activities/kits (update existing?)
- Sink
- Counter space
- Cupboard
- Large size coffee maker
- Small refrigerator
- Family bathroom
- Nursing station
- Space for four desktop computers (computers slated for purchase from 2015-16 Mitchell Title 1 budget)
- Area for couch, chairs, coffee table, rug
- Copier/fax machine (discuss possible PTO purchase)
- Additional input on 2/23:
- include an oven
- Warm colors as a part of the room
- Spaces to put "stuff"? - Coat trees, hooks?

Title 1 space needs:
- Size should be similar to current sized space
- Need room for storage of Title 1 materials
- During meeting with architects, noted that if family resource room needs all of space in Krigbaum's current room, it may make sense to subdivide Padgen's room instead...the architects were going to look at this carefully.

If you have concerns about this general direction or want to give additional input, please let Kevin know.  Thank you.
