Thank you to Jackie, Melissa, Erica, Wendy, Cathy R., Kelly and Matt for meeting this morning to give input about the Mitchell Phase 1 construction. It was good to have teacher, community and parent perspectives represented at this meeting.
So you know/remember, phase 1 addresses six new classroom spaces, the family resource room, the updated book room and the Title 1 K-2 space needs.
New classroom wing needs:
- Classrooms must have sinks
- Six toilets in the wing are sufficient for the six classrooms (average of one per room)
- Because Mitchell School has summer programming for ~70 students we should consider air conditioning in the new classrooms; if AC is not possible, look at possibility of ceiling fans
- Make this space visible and attractive for parents - windows in hallway would make sense so families would see it as their "place"
- Projector and white board - possibly use existing but relocate?
- Conference table for 6-8 people
- Shelving for storage of family education activities/kits (update existing?)
- Sink
- Counter space
- Cupboard
- Large size coffee maker
- Small refrigerator
- Family bathroom
- Nursing station
- Space for four desktop computers (computers slated for purchase from 2015-16 Mitchell Title 1 budget)
- Area for couch, chairs, coffee table, rug
- Copier/fax machine (discuss possible PTO purchase)- Additional input on 2/23:
- include an oven
- Warm colors as a part of the room
- Spaces to put "stuff"? - Coat trees, hooks?