Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Re: DRAFT Ed. Yes Report for Mitchell - Input Welcomed

Good afternoon Mitchell School Improvement Team and Staff, 

I have officially submitted the Education Yes! report for Mitchell for 2012-13.  For those who were able to look it over and give feedback, I appreciate it.  Your feedback was factored into the report.

In case you didn't have time to look it over as much as you wanted, I thought I should share some information with you:

Strengths in areas connected to:
Strand 5 - Data and Information Management with a score of 4 out of 4 
- our compilation of data in multiple formats and our use of the Achievement Team Database factors in here.
Strand 3 - Personnel Qualifications and Professional Learning - average sore of about 3.8 out of 4
- Excellent staff, excellent use of time in helping each other be the best we can be 

Our relative weaknesses are connected to:
Strand 1which focuses on curriculum and instruction with an average score of 3.4 out of 4.  The points of leverage in this section include:
- fidelity of instruction - so being the best teachers we can be around our research based practices - guided reading, interactive read alouds, workshop methods, consistent phonics implementation
- a systematic use of formative achievement data in defined teams (think data teams).  Our PD work in the use of NWEA data for formative assessments is a step in the right direction for sure.

PLEASE NOTE:  please know a relative weakness does not mean we are doing poorly in that area.  We clearly have strengths within all areas of Education Yes!

I hope this email helps to share some of the important information about this report.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate.  


Monday, March 11, 2013

SIT Agenda - March 15, 2013

Updates  (5 minutes)
- Summer RC Training
- Summer Bridge

- Education Yes! (10 minutes)

- If Mitchell were to become a community center, what would that mean? (10 minutes)

Literacy Night Brainstormmg! (~30 minutes)
From 2/8/13 Discussion
Our focus is the literacy night
-       what do we think should happen at a family literacy night next year
-       next session will brainstorm it all, hilton karr and others will filter, bring back and create the plan
o      the student needs a motivation to be there and then parents will be pressed to attend, student will say, “we need to go to this”
o      kid focus makes it more meaningful
o      student involvement
o      polish it up
o      build a presentation that will script and provide a model for grade level teachers can folow