Friday, December 13, 2013

Literacy Night Brainstorming

Cathy, Jackie, Stephen, and Kevin met this AM to brainstorm what would happen during literacy night.  Below is what we left with:


Morning Meeting – Greeting at least

Explain Night – connect to R, W, S, V, L R


IRA  - take away #1

·      Buy books for modeling . . .

·      Viusal demo

·      Take home similar book with written info about what was learned/what to do

o   Do read aloud at home

o   Games at home (or in car) connected to literacy

·      Respond to text :  draw, write

·      see how everyone participates, see what teacher does, can see all of R, W, S, V, R, show the content and process goal, can show how this connects to what happens at school

·      It happens at school….and it happens at hoem

Car Games – take away #2

·      I'm thinking of a….

·      What does that sign say?

·      Twenty questions in the car

·      A game while preparing the evening meal

·      Kid:  "Can we please get . . . " Parent:  Put it on the list

·      Check the ideas from the EMWP folders



Possible video clips:

·      Kids coming into the school

·      Settling into class

·      Teachers reading at home with their kids

·      Mighty Mustangs

·      Guided reading

·      Show everyone engaged

·      Show IRA beginning