The purpose of the Mitchell SIT team is to: - Support the requirements of Education Yes!; - Facilitate the improvement of Mitchell School through the analysis of data; - Implement strategies to support Education Yes! strand 4; - Fulfill the requirements of Public Act 25 of 1990.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
SIT meeting cancelled
Thank you for the input many of SIT members, teachers, parents and community members have already given.
I'm asking that we not meet this Friday as the full Mitchell School Improvement Team.
In lieu of the larger meeting, Matt Hilton and I will work to update the school improvement plan on the Michigan Department of Education ASSIST website. Of course, if the updating process is of interest to you, please be at school at 7:30 AM and you can join the fun!
If I've missed something you want to bring to my attention, please don't hesitate.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Mitchell School Improvement Input for 2014-15
Not too long ago, I asked you for some input about the next version of the Mitchell School Improvement Plan....for the 2014-15 school.
The feedback I've received so far indicates we continue to be in agreement with the goals we've established around reading, writing, school culture, math, science and social studies. To be clear, everyone feels like we should continue with those overall goals. I agree with that direction as well.
In terms of potential changes, the input shares we should look at the wording of goals in the following ways:
- change wording about curricula references to reflect shift from Common Core State Standards as opposed to Grade Level Content Expectations
- change working about assessments to reflect shift from MEAP test to Smarter Balanced tests
- consider adding in summer correspondence reading activities for kids who cannot attend Bridge
- consider being more specific about implementing reading assessments - when to use fiction, when to use non-fiction, when to use Fountas and Pinnell benchmarks, when to use AAPS Benchmarks
- consider updating our Mitchell Family Literacy activities (M-FLI) to connect what we've learned this year and what we want to happen next year
If you have additional input you'd like to have considered as we begin to rewrite our plan, please use the link below to give that input by Friday, April 4. Thanks you.
If you need a reminder about what is in our school improvement plan, you'll find that by using the link below as well.
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. Thank you.
Friday, March 21, 2014
School Improvement Input for 2014-15 - PLEASE GIVE YOUR INPUT
Dear Mitchell Staff, PTO, Parents, Friends and School Improvement Team,
Thursday, March 13, 2014
SIT Agenda - March 14, 2014
I hope you have tomorrow's meeting on your calendar . . .
Here's our agenda:
- Schools of Choice Update
- Education Yes!
- Literacy Night Update
- Data, data, data
- What does our data say to you?
Monday, February 24, 2014
DRAFT - 2013-14 Mitchell Education Yes! - DRAFT
Attached is Mitchell's draft 2013-14 School Process Rubrics component of Education Yes! If you have additional input you want me to consider, I am happy to receive it by Friday, February 28.
This report is important because it is part of Michigan's Education Yes! system for school accreditation. The system is based on MEAP scores (both current and change scores) and the indicators of school performance (i.e. the attached school performance rubrics - SPR). These three parts translate into the school scorecard which can be viewed on
Our MEAP scores show a general positive trend over the last three years (and these trends are confirmed by the other data measures we track - NWEA MAP tests, SRI reading test, report card outcomes).
Relative to the school performance indicators, our highlights include:
- Our new programming/work to involve families including all of the Mitchell Family Literacy Initiatives (M-FLI);
- Our work in data teams - small group work focusing on individual/small group instructional planning for success.
This is good news! Thank you for your hard work. Not many (most?) schools can say they show improvement. I believe we will keep our momentum!
So you know I'm aware: Of course I know that our work is not finished. We have predictable gaps....I also wish it would be corrected more quickly.
Again, thank you for your hard work.
PS - Teach like your hair is on fire! :-)
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Family Literacy Night Proposal
6:15 - Mingle, snacks, drinks
6:30 - Morning Meeting – Greeting at least
- Explain Night – IRAs, Ideas on how to support literacy with every day activities at home, connect to R, W, S, L, V, R
- Video - lots of clips, quickly presented of R, W, S, L, V, R in school and at home
6:55 - IRA #1 - families choose where to go....small group, teachers present IRAs that were planned during 4/30 staff meeting; during this time teachers should mention ideas on what to do at home, one Spanish speaking IRA at least
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
SIT Agenda 1-24-14
7:30 AM
So looking forward to seeing everyone this Friday!
Agenda items:
- Report out on Family Literacy Night planning - discuss next steps
- Focus Schools update - share focus strategy
- Education Yes Report - due in March - consider our work around strand 4 in the last year
- Share Assessment updates - MEAP, NWEA, Benchmarks