Tuesday, October 20, 2015

School Improvement Agenda - 11/17/15

Mitchell Conference Room
7:30 - 8:30

Before meeting:
- Please become re-familiarize yourself with the current revision needs identified in RED on the Mitchell School Improvement Plan - CLICK HERE

Meeting Agenda:
Review last two meetings (5 mins)
- Reviewed purpose of SIT
- Group agreed that achievement at Mitchell is trending in positive ways
- Group decided not to look at the current data in more depth; rather, we decided to move forward with agenda items listed below.
- Group decided to discuss Mitchell SIP as a group and collaboratively update language

School Improvement Plan - Continue  updating language from last meeting (Most of meeting time, I suspect)
- Begin in the reading goal section in the Family Involvement section, M-FLI in particular
- Review and discuss proposed revised language, additions, deletions connected to the school improvement plan
- Goal is to arrive at an accurate and updated plan with input of group
- We should be careful to make sure activities have chairs and are scheduled BEFORE taking on additional activities...

If time:
- Surface and discuss new ideas including those from the first meeting:  communication, community center, bullying were brought up/discussed a bit on 10/9